TCNA Membership Information:

Membership shall be open to all persons interested in and supportive of the Tennessee Crisis Negotiators Association, who subscribe to and abide by its Constitution and By Laws, meeting the membership criteria below, and who pay any required annual dues.

Types of Membership

A. Active Members – Those members shall be persons currently employed, certified, or commissioned in the law enforcement or corrections field at the federal, state, county, tribal, or local level, and who have successfully completed a training program in hostage/crisis negotiation. Active Members shall demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the successful resolution of crisis incidents. Active Members shall have the right to vote on matters presented before the Association, and hold elected office as depicted in the By Laws. Members who are employed with agencies outside the State of Tennessee shall not be eligible for Active Membership.

B. Associate Members – Members who do not fit the criteria for active membership but have an interest in hostage/crisis negotiation, are supportive of the objectives of the Association, and whose membership will benefit the Association and themselves may be eligible for Associate Membership. Associate Members shall not have the right to vote or hold elective Association office but may be appointed membership to committees and vote upon matters before the committee. Examples of those eligible for Associate Membership may include law enforcement or corrections personnel employed outside the State of Tennessee, criminal justice agency reserve officers or volunteers, employees of firms that provide equipment or services to negotiation teams, criminal justice students, mental health professionals and clergy. Associate Members shall be eligible for membership upon majority vote of the Board of Directors.

C. Retired Members – Active members who retire from their respective agency while in good standing with the Association, may be granted status as a Retired Member. These members enjoy the same benefits as Associate Members, listed above. Those wishing to remain with the Association as a Retired Member shall submit a request to the President or Vice President within 90 days of their retirement date.

D. Life Members – Life membership shall be granted by the Association Board of Directors to individuals who have rendered outstanding service to the Association. No person shall be considered for life membership unless they have maintained active membership for a period of no less than seven (7) consecutive years OR have served on the Board of Directors or a committee for a period of no less than four (4) years. Life Members may enjoy the rights and duties of Active or Associate membership, so long as they fulfill all requirements for that membership.

E. Supporting Members – Supporting members shall include any business, partnership or corporate entity interested in supporting the purposes or activities of the Association. Supporting members shall not have the right to vote or hold office in the Association. Supporting Members shall be eligible for membership upon majority vote of the Board of Directors. Donations given to the Association by Supporting members may be used to offset their annual dues, subject to majority vote of the Board of Directors.

TCNA Membership ONLY
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